Brother Who?

If I had 3 wishes from a genie…

I like to joke that I would wish for arts we never got. Like a final season of Supernatural where alt-brothers are the villains. Or a Doctor Who 50th anniversary special with Paul McGann. Or….

Speaking of Doctor Who…

Just imagine it’s 1974 ~ 76 and Tom Baker is playing the Doctor. He’s on this adventure in space and time when he happens to run into another Time Lord. A Time Lord who seems to put the Doctor off his kilter and annoy him to no end. A Time Lord we come to find out, is the Doctor’s brother.

And he’s played, by Gene Wilder.

Wide-eyed Gene Wilder, as the title character in 'Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory'.Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor in Doctor Who staring into camera

Tell me you wouldn’t instantly believe these two are related.

And both actors just brought such an energy and magnetism to the screen. Could you imagine that energy from these two bouncing off each other for an adventure? We’d probably never be able to see it because it would melt any film that tried to capture it.

Still, maybe the genie would let me have that one for free because even he would want to see how such an episode would turn out.

I know long lost family members are an old trope in stories, but they remain well-worn for a reason, and sometimes the best thing for a character is a chance to see them with a family member as it will bring out another side to them that we normally don’t get to witness.

Now someone help me find a genie.

(this post inspired by SFDebris’ review of Willy Wonka and the YT comment section)

5 thoughts on “Brother Who?

    • Speaking of which, SF Debris did make a good point about how Wonka’s outfit is brightly colored but feels completely normal in the rest of the world because it’s designed as an outfit, not a costume, and the same goes for…most Doctor outfits. (Poor Colin.) Modern superhero movies and shows should take notes.

      • Absolutely. I think Jodie was right on that line and arguably was more costume than outfit.

        Of course with superheroes there’s some debate to be had. Like Batman and Superman obviously want more “costume” than outfit I think for different reasons.

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